Restore communication within your body and heal.
The Blossom of Health
Helping people to live allergy-free life
and bring their body back to the state of natural health on all levels - physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually!
Blashka Novotna, RhN, RNCP, BodyTalk Practitioner
Your Allergy Expert
"I was generally skeptical of naturopaths but Blashka was able to detect what I was allergic to and after one quick session, I have been allergy free for close to 10 years now!
Considering the thousands of dollars I have spent on allergy medicine, this was one of the smartest investments I have made from both a financial and health perspective. "
10 x 2-hour classes running monthly. Pay as you go option available.
Fee: $111/2HR LESSON, INCLUDES A MANUAL AND PRACTISING (as we do that, you automatically receive a treatment). Please contact me at
It's time to uncover your potential and gift of communicating with your own body to know what it needs to stay healthy and happy. Anyone can learn these life-saving skills! In this course, I will share with you my knowledge of the past 15 years, teach you many methods of helping the body heal and live a fulfilling life. These new skills you'll learn in 10 lessons, will enable you to help yourself, your family, and your pets and save a tremendous amount of money for vet visits or even open a new business in the alternative healing field. You will know all it takes to help many people and animals.
If helping others (and yourself) is your passion, keep reading:-)
The outline of the course:
1. MUSCLE TESTING - In the first lesson you will learn the most important skill-communicating with your body! Then how to apply that skill with others, including babies and your pets! You will now how to ask your body anything and get the answers!
2. GROUNDWORK - You will learn the basic tools to help your client be ready for healing. Sometimes you find this is all they needed! There is even a technique used as a first aid when the brain gets in shock like after an accident and also reduces stress and improves your memory,
We cover connecting body-mind-spirit, polarity shift, hydration test , grounding methods, balancing right and left brain hemispheres, brain gym for better focus and memory and much more.
3. This lesson is all about ENERGY. Yours, such as chakras, aura layers and meridians. You learn how to test their imbalances and how to correct them, which also supports all organs connected to the meridians. We also focus on other people's energy and cords and how to release them and external energy of all sorts, including so-called entity and how to deal with that. We are energy beings and I will teach you many methods to keep your energy flowing without any restriction. You learn what to do when your energy is depleted or in excess, when you feel like you're not feeling yourself.
4. EMOTIONS. Sometimes dealing with them is not easy and you will learn many methods of releasing them. How to find what emotion is causing a particular health issue, where is it sitting and which way would work best to release them will be covered in this section. You learn about the 5 elements and correlating organs. What about feeling the emotions of other people or carrying generational emotions that are not even yours but still you feel them as yours? At the end of this lesson, you will be a pro in dealing with all of these.
5. Do you have self-limiting BELIEFS? Of course, you do. About self-love, self-worth, money etc.? Everyone has these in the subconscious mind and you learn how to reprogram them! How does it sound to feel worthy and loving yourself? To stop being a people pleaser? To become money magnet and more? It's so worth learning this!
6. PHYSICAL BODY. We cannot forget to cover the systems, organs, endocrines because your body will guide you there to heal it when needed. Knowing at least the basics will enable your body to take you there. You will learn to determine whether the health issue is due to imbalances in nutrients, how to figure out which one you are missing or whether the cause is a microbe such as a virus or a parasite or if the root of the problem is an allergy/sensitivity. You can balance each part of your body, it will tell you the story, connections (such as your knee pain being related to your fear of moving forward which influences your other knee or system and we balance it all, so it can let go and heal)
7. FOOD needs its own chapter. You will learn how to test for food sensitivities, create the meal plan for your goal (more energy, losing weight etc.), how food influences your mood and much more! Food combinations that can cause constipation or other health issues. Migraines, eczema, skin problems, bloating, inflammations etc-all related to food. After all, your body can be only as healthy as the food you eat.
8. This is a lesson on many OTHER MODALITIES you can use for healing. I have 18 of them to introduce to you as a possibility and you choose what you want to learn more about. We touch on basic homeopathic remedies, shamanic tools, cupping, herbs and much more.
9. DISTANCE HEALING. Even when someone needs your help on the other side of the world, you can do it and they feel the energy! There is no distance for energy as we are all connected. People as far as Australia, Saudi Arabia, Europe, USA could feel me working on them and felt immediate relaxation. I teach you communication with animals, plants and touch on energy codes!
10. CHANELLING The last lesson is filled with guided meditations to meet your spirit animal, your spirit guides, how to channel messages, past life regression and who is interested, I will attune you to Christ Consciousness energy and do other Lightworker invocations that you are ready for.
If someone offered to me to teach me all of this when I was starting to tap into this amazing field of healing, mysticism and all the methods and ways of helping all living things, I would absolutely love it. Instead of opening so many doors by myself and studying many courses, here it is for you, all in one course.
The amount I had to pay for this knowledge is about 20 times more than I ask for this course.
I could tell you stories of how many people I have helped and changed their lives for the better. How I could figure out in 10 minutes the cause of a client's health issue and get rid of it that all the doctors and specialists he visited could not figure out...or maybe just watch under "successful stories" on this website the video of a young woman that could not speak and used sign language for communication and after just one session she was whispering and after the third and last, she was singing for me and my family! If that is not a miracle and telling you how much you will learn, then what?;-) I am looking forward to having fun with you during the online course. Or in person.
Online version: Starting soon in June 2023. In-person or online versions are available. For now, it is a live event where you can ask questions or we can practice new skills.
In-person version: 10 lessons, location in Waterloo. This is more hands-on and practicing on one another and creating new friendships.
Times and days are flexible.
My students loved this course and at the end said that it is too bad it already ended. We had fun and they were able to use the knowledge on clients and friends immediately and successfully. They did no longer doubt their abilities as we practiced long-distance healing and felt it on both sides!
I have paid over $20 000 for my courses, so it is a great deal to learn the same and more that I added over the years for only $1111 for these 10/ 2-hour lessons. Did I mention that you will also learn to help people to live allergy-free life? I have developed a few ways to balance the body so it no longer reacts to food or pollen or pets and more. So imagine your child reacts to food and gets blisters all over her body as it happened to my 1-year-old child who was eating macadamia nuts for the first time? Scary, isn't it? Very. Thank goodness I knew how to fix it without any medication. Within 10 minutes the blisters disappeared and now for years, she can eat these nuts with no problem. That is priceless!
You will also receive the chapter in a written form after each lesson to have a manual for your future use.
So while this offer lasts, click on the button below and say yes to become a self-empowered healer for yourself and others. Because that's who you are. You just need to find it in you.
I am so looking forward to meeting you! Click below on the preferred option for pre-registration and questions. There is a $50 deposit to keep your spot as the class size is limited.
Student Testimonials:
My friend and I took the Intuitive Healer Course with Blashka a few months ago.
I absolutely loved the course and didn't want it to end!
Blashka is a great teacher, who has much patience and even more knowledge and I learned so much.
This course has benefited me already, and I know it's going to make a huge difference with my clients.
I look forward to connecting with Blashka on a regular basis, for practice and any new things that are available.
Thank you so much have added more skills to my tool box!
The Intuitive Healer course with Blashka is amazing!
As a healer I am always looking for more information and more tools to assist my clients in their healing journey and Blashka has a wealth of knowledge that she shares in this course. She offers it in a fun and practical way so that you can immediately begin using new techniques with your clients. I would highly recommend that all healers take advantage of this course with Blashka to add an abundance of tools and modalities to their practice, but also for their own personal growth and healing!
Attending Blashka’s class was such an enlightening and wholesome experience, where I met a bunch of lovely souls. I knew a little about energy healing but had no experience in muscle testing. Now, I am able to muscle test successfully and help heal others using many different modalities (with practise, of course!). The time commitment was very doable and I looked forward to our class every week. Blashka’s experience in a broad range of topics and her detailed notes are a helpful guide I can refer back to anytime I need. Some of my fellow group members also had their own tips and techniques to share, and each person’s experiences only added to our growth and learning. By practising on one another during class, each student was able to heal themselves while healing others as well. Everyone was so encouraging and open-minded, it has helped me to feel more confident in my own abilities. I highly recommend to anyone who is unsure of where to start in the healing community or simply wishing to expand their skills. Blashka’s course is an awesome building block from which to continue developing and discovering one’s healing powers. :)
Chris:I just finished the intuitive healer course with Blashka a couple weeks ago and already miss the weekly classes in her beautiful garden. Blashka is an amazing teacher and has a huge wealth of knowledge about health and healing. Her passion for helping people is inspiring. The intuitive healer course is a great investment to enrich anybody's life. You will learn how to figure out any imbalances in the body and the best way to treat or cure them. What a great tool to have!